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WHY I DONT READ……IM LAZY! October 23, 2008

Filed under: random — thoughtblender @ 7:59 pm
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I was having a conversation the other day to a certain someone and he was reading the harry potter book the 6th one in series to be exact and since theres a movie coming out next year i said ‘why bother read the book when the movies coming out next year’. Fine I dont like reading books and I do suggest people to watch the movie but doesnt mean I hate books, I have read books when I was school and even in college I was reagularly reading lately been to lazy to pick up a book and read so I prefer watching the movie based on that book. Milllions and billions of people buy and read books so they all cant be stupid similarly million watch movies too you cant say movies are bad then technically you cant compare they have their own followers and audience. Im suer books are more imaginative and descriptive than the movies but I personally (my opinion only) prefer watching movies than reading books, no need to be shocked or horrofied im lazy and cant be bothered reading a book.